Archive for: invigorate the spleen

Chinese dietary article sharing–Chicken with Pineapple and Hawthorn

Chinese dietary article sharing–Chicken with Pineapple and Hawthorn

最近天氣又悶又濕,很容易沒胃口,因此小編推薦各位來一盤消暑祛濕的「鳳梨山楂雞」!山楂消食化積、甘草清 […]

Chinese dietary article sharing–Kelp Soy Milk Bergamot Soup

Chinese dietary article sharing–Kelp Soy Milk Bergamot Soup

母親節剛過去,身邊不少親友初為人母,新手媽媽都希望從母乳給孩子最好的營養,卻被產後乳少問題困擾。從中 […]

Chinese dietary article sharing–Diet tea

Chinese dietary article sharing–Diet tea

青壯年時期的成人,正值人生的高峰,假如沒有控制飲食,身體攝入的熱量供過於求,長久以來就會造成肥胖問題 […]