Archive for: menstrual syndrome

Chinese dietary article sharing–Braised beef with salvia and angelica

Chinese dietary article sharing–Braised beef with salvia and angelica

閉經,也稱之為停經,是每位女性在中年階段的一個重要生理過程,表示月經週期的停止,並且通常伴隨著一系列 […]

Chinese dietary article sharing–Black Fungus and Red Date Soup

Chinese dietary article sharing–Black Fungus and Red Date Soup

身為女性,不可避免都會經歷『大姨媽』的家訪。同時也是因為月事的關係,不少女性有出血過多,甚至貧血的問 […]

Chinese dietary article sharing–Stewed lamb with cinnamon sticks

Chinese dietary article sharing–Stewed lamb with cinnamon sticks

不少女性在月經來時,會有經痛的問題;又或是到了更年期,就有更年期症候群的發生,這些症狀都造成不少女性 […]